Nowadays, the most important resources of enterprises are the knowledge and talent of employees. It is thanks to them that organizations generate ideas that enable them to develop in a dynamically changing market environment.ynkowym.
Modern management is a new look at the functioning of an enterprise in which all employees, regardless of their position, can be innovators.
Master of Business Administration program at IE PAS is the answer to all the key problems of modern management, ranging from its soft aspects such as leadership, organizational culture, communication, selection and motivation of employees, through consumer behavior, new media marketing, financial and risk management in the enterprise, and ending with the best strategic management patterns of large organizations and management in a crisis.

Why is it worth studying at IE PAS?
Outstanding lecturers
Scientists and practitioners are ready to share their knowledge and experience.
Director of MBA program: dr hab. Anna Ujwary-Gil
All informations are provided by mgr Daniel Habura
Pałac Kultury i Nauki
23rd floor, room 2324
Plac Defilad 1, 00-901 Warszawa
phones: +48 22 656 64 38; +48 535 006 790
e-mail: dhabur[at]
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